Thursday, January 13, 2011

Live A Little

There are a few people I know that are not reacting positively to my decision to go study abroad. I'm pretty sure they think it's a waste of time and money. Here's a quote I grabbed from Lauren Graham in a magazine I was reading that explains how I feel:
" was important to follow something [you're passionate about] that might not seem practical."
That is all I have to say about that. Yes, it's true that I could've used my time and money more wisely in the last few years, but I decided to do this instead. I could've even owned my business if I really wanted, but that's not what I wanted to do......yet. I'll keep spreading my wings and setting off to new places. Until they get too big and heavy, I'm gonna keep flyin'.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there =) I found ur blog from a link in Zarina's blog.
    I'm going to Korea this Friday for 3 weeks, backpacking with my cousin n friend =)
    Ur posts are very informative n I gotta say I totally agree with the quote above =) I just started learning Korean formally this year n I hope I can follow in u n Zarina's footsteps =)
    But have to finish my degree first lol..
    Looking forward to read more of your posts in the future! =)

